Aaru Report for

SecureDigital device:
SecureDigital Device Identification Register:
Manufacturer: QEMU
Application ID: XY
Product name: QEMU!
Product revision: 00.01
Product serial number: 0
Device manufactured month 0 of 2000
CID CRC: 0x00

SecureDigital Device Specific Data Register:
Register version 1.0
Asynchronous data access time is 1.5ms
Clock dependent part of data access is 0 clock cycles
Device's transfer speed: 52MBit/s
Device support command classes 0 2 4 5 6 7 8 10
Read block length is 512 bytes
Device allows reading partial blocks
Write commands can cross physical block boundaries
Read commands can cross physical block boundaries
Device has 1126400 blocks
Device has 550 MiB
Device uses a maximum of 100mA for reading at minimum voltage
Device uses a maximum of 200mA for reading at maximum voltage
Device uses a maximum of 100mA for writing at minimum voltage
Device uses a maximum of 200mA for writing at maximum voltage
Device can erase multiple blocks
Device must erase a minimum of 64 blocks at a time
Device can write protect regions
Device can write protect a minimum of 576716801 blocks at a time
Writing is 16 times slower than reading
Write block length is 512 bytes
Device allows writing partial blocks
Device contents are original
Device is formatted like a hard disk
CSD CRC: 0x00

SecureDigital Device Configuration Register:
Device follows SecureDigital Physical Layer Specification version 1.0x
Device uses CPRM according to specification version 1.01
Device supports 1-bit data bus
Device supports 4-bit data bus